The 19th International Symposium on Hearing will take place in Lyon from the 19th to the 24th of June 2022. The meeting will be hosted at the Domaine Saint Joseph, on the hills overlooking the city. Details on how to reach the hotel can be found on the Travel page.
The programme is now available! Attention: you need to be logged in to be able to see the detailed version. You can download an overview here.

The ISH meeting focuses on hearing sciences, with emphasis on psychoacoustics, physiology of hearing, and auditory modelling, from the ear to the brain. The format of the meeting — a week in a cloistered environment — aims to foster scientific interactions between fields that normally merely co-exist. The symposium consists of oral presentations, which are accompanied of a written proceeding, as well as a few posters without proceeding. There are no parallel sessions and the attendees participate to all presentations.
The proceedings will be made available in the form of a preprint collection, which will not compromise the future publications of these papers in journals that accept preprints. Each contributing author will be asked to comment on two other papers before the meeting (a full review will not be required). The preprints will be opened to comments from everybody before and after the meeting.